Letter from the President

Date Posted: 28 June 2012

Dear Spurs Supporter,

Membership for the 2012/13 season is now available through our recently re-designed website and we encourage everyone to sign up. Be assured that your $10 membership fee is put to good use towards the administration costs of the Club including postage and packing and the content of the membership packs, registrations with Tottenham Hotspur, and banking costs etc.

Irrelevant of which City or town you live in OzSpurs gives all of us the opportunity of feeling just a little bit closer to the Club we love. With regular events and meet up’s around the country it’s a great opportunity to meet up with likeminded Soul’s to watch the games (whatever the ungodly hour) or to just socialise with some friends at a pub, at your local A-League game, or a local 5-a- side comp. These events are arranged, organised and Co-ordinated by some of the most impor- tant figures in our organisation; the chapter organisers. These guys do a tremendous amount of work out of view of most of us and fully deserve the support of a good team around them. I would ask that you support your Chapter organiser by turning up at the events he has arranged, taking some of the workload burden and coming up with pro-active ideas on promotion of our Club.

We welcome this year the new arrival of the Gold Coast Chapter and I would like to take this op- portunity to pass on my thanks to Clarkey for all his hard work in setting up that Chapter. They join their fellow Spurs Australia supporter’s in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.

Finally, I would ask that you become actively involved in the supporter clubs events and if possible make it a target to attend a National soon, you won’t be disappointed. Whenever you meet a fellow yiddo spread the OzSpurs word and encourage new members whenever you can.

Enjoy the roller coaster of events about to unfold as Spurs tear our emotions apart once again over the coming season. With a new manager this year and I would hope some quality players coming in, hopefully to reach the elusive Champions League spot once again. You never know, perhaps even a Cup this year as well please?


Colin Saunders OzSpurs President

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