About OzSpurs

Australia Spurs (OzSpurs), the Official Australian Tottenham Hotspur Supporters Club, was formed in 2001. Our club was born mainly out of frustration – in those days, it was a rare event to get a live Spurs match on TV in Australia and, when we were on, there was no central place for Spurs fans to meet up. The club got off to a good start as interest in the Premier League grew in Australia, but it wasn’t until the addition of the OzSpurs website in 2002 that the club really took off. We haven’t looked back since.

Supporting Spurs from Australia is far from easy. You have to be committed to even watch the games. Kick-offs vary from 9pm to 7am around Australia, with the normal UK 3pm Saturday match kicking off at 2am on the east coast of Australia. However, week after week we see anywhere from 10 to 300 fans at the Spurs pubs in our major chapters: Adelaide, Brisbane, Cairns, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Newcastle, Perth, and Sydney.

There are lots of ways to get involved with OzSpurs:

We are very proud of the fact that we often have Spurs fans come to our pubs simply because they know that is where we meet. We love meeting those who have moved to Australia, those who are visiting, or those who have lived here all their lives. Many Spurs fans who’ve just moved to the country often find that there is a ready-made group of mates down the pub. Our activities are not all centered at the pub, however. There are many 5-a-side OzSpurs teams around the country, and some chapters have hosted family days, BBQs, etc. On top of that our website and our Facebook group offer Spurs Fans down under the chance to chat all things Spurs whilst much of the world sleeps.

May 2015 saw a moment that Australia Spurs fans had long hoped would happen – Tottenham Hotspur made a long-awaited trip down under, over 30 years since their last visit. The end-of-season friendly against Sydney FC was a dream come true for many. Amazingly Spurs came back in 2016 and played Juventus and Atletico Madrid at the MCG in Melbourne!

Australia Spurs has come a long way since the first meet-ups in the late 1990s, but we are still growing at an amazing rate.

If you’re a Spurs fan living in Australia, you only have one option: join our club and get down to your local Spurs pub!

© 2025 OzSpurs