Our friends at Football Fans Downunder are once again putting on events aimed at bringing together supporters clubs and others involved in football in Australia, through a 5-a-side day and Trivia Night.
We've played a big part in these over years, entering at least one team in each of the 5-a-side tournaments over the years. However, we are yet to win one! This is the year we want to change that. Everything is happening on Sunday the 12th of October at Kikoff Centre in Marickville and costs just $20 to enter. Our team is open to all, regardless of age or ability but it is on a strict first come, first serve basis. Due to past years of having players no turn up on the day, payment is required prior to the day, so simply fill out the form and you'll be taken to PayPal to pay. We are looking for 12 players for the day.
On top of that, FFDU are also organising a Trivia Night. We have good word that this is going to be a top night out - on Thursday the 2nd of October at Cheers Bar in Sydney - and is another that we want to enter a winning team into! It's just $11 per person to enter and we're looking for a team of 10 players. Again, it is first come, first serve. All proceeds are going to supporting a fantastic charity, which we are also delighted to support in White Ribbon - the campaign to stop men's violence against women.
We hope to see you on the pitch or on our table! Come on you Spurs!
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