2019/20 Committee Nominations

Date Posted: 9 Apr 2019

OzSpurs is run at a national level by a keen bunch of volunteers who make up the OzSpurs Committee. Each year all positions are available for election, and we are ready to begin the nomination process for the 2019/20 season. Committee positions run from 1 July to 30 June each year.

President The OzSpurs President guides the overall direction of the club and is the main point of contact for THFC and our other partners. Mark Lawson has been President of OzSpurs for the last 4 years and was previously Treasurer for 9 years. Mark is retiring from the OzSpurs committee on 31 May 2019.

Current Website and Communications Officer, Tommy Silver, is standing for the role of President.

Treasurer The Treasurer is responsible for managing the accounts and day-to-day expenses for OzSpurs. Required to produce yearly reports and all income and expenditure and present this to OzSpurs Members. Also required to arrange an independent audit and manage our not-for-profit status.

Estimated weekly work: 2 hours

Current Treasurer Samn Gibbs-Jones will continue in the role unless challenged.

Secretary A newly created role; responsible for arranging monthly OzSpurs meetings and recording minutes to be shared with Members. Assists Chapter Liaison in communicating with Chapter Organisers, and arranging Chapter meetings as required.

Estimated weekly work: 1 hour

Current Membership Secretary Paul Fellowes is standing for this role.

Membership Officer Responsible for the always-amazing OzSpurs Membership pack. This includes developing ideas and sourcing high-quality, low-cost items to include. From June, membership packs will be put together and shipped in early July. This role requires interaction with the OzSpurs website to ensure members receive updates on when their packs have been sent.

Estimated weekly work: 2-6 hours

Current holder of the office Kevin Woodward will continue in this role unless challenged.

Ticketing Officer Gets you to the Lane! Is in contact with THFC directly to receive information about ticketing at the beginning of each season. Maintains the OzSpurs website to allow Members to apply for tickets, and, upon receiving the application, actions that with a ticket order through THFC. In constant communication with applying Member and other committee members where required.

Estimated weekly work: 2 hours

Current holder of the role Christian Creedy will continue in this role unless challenged

Chapter Liaison Officer A newly created role acting as the link between the committee and OzSpurs Chapters around the country. Is expected to be in regular contact with Chapter Organisers. Each match week, the Chapter Liaison will contact Chapter Organisers to confirm details for upcoming meetups and other events, and share information with Members via the OzSpurs website. Provides support and ideas to each chapter and also assists with the planning of the National each season.

Estimated weekly work: 2 hours

There are no current applicants.

Merchandising Officer Works with President and Treasurer to develop ideas and source suppliers for new product ranges. Handles existing stock and shipments to members. Maintains the OzSpurs.com shop to ensure products are current and marks items as shipped for members to receive updates.

Estimated weekly work: 1-3 hours

There are no current applicants.

If you are a current OzSpurs member who would like to find out more and potentially put your name forward for any of the above roles then please do so by emailing [email protected] with your expression of interest.

Contested positions will be decided by a members vote. Unchallenged incumbents will continue in current roles. Positions with only one applicant will be considered by the current OzSpurs committee for appointment.

Deadline for expressions of interest is Saturday 20 April 2019.

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