2013/14 Membership

Date Posted: 12 May 2013

While it was a very good season on the pitch for Spurs, it was also fantastic season off the pitch for OzSpurs. We reached a record number of Memberships, finishing the season with 413 paid up members. This absolutely blew the previous record out of the water and I feel validates the work our Chapter Organisers and Committee members are doing around the country. A special thanks to Clarkey, who has put in countless hours putting together membership packs and posting them out.

We have some plans in place and are finalising the packs for 2013/14 OzSpurs Membership. We have such exciting prospects at the Lane and Tottenham Hotspur are supporting their clubs around the world more than ever, so you won't want to miss out on your chance to be a part of our great club and all that comes with it.

We will be announcing member details and you will be able to sign up from July 15th. For now, enjoy our new website and get active on the forums.


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