10 Years in the OzSpurs Family
Your support of OzSpurs means the world to us, it's because of Members that contribute every year that we are able to put on events like our Evening with Gary Stevens and our upcoming events in Perth, without our members OzSpurs would simply not exist and we'd like to recognise your 10 years (or more in some cases) of contributions to OzSpurs.
We have created our 10-year pin which will be exclusive to members who have been financial members of OzSpurs for 10 or more years. This pin can be sent with your 2023/24 membership or for those of you that will be joining us in Perth will be presented to you there.
To help us with our planning, If you could email [email protected] and let us know if you will be joining us in Perth.
Once again thankyou for your continuing support
Paul Fellowes
President Australia Spurs